Viaduto que desabou em Belo Horizonte semana passada Viaduct which collapsed in Belo Horizonte last week |
O viaduto que caiu atingiu um micro-ônibus, um carro e dois caminhões na Avenida Pedro I, na região norte da capital mineira. Pelo menos duas pessoas morreram e 21 ficaram feridas.
A sessão de recebimento de envelopes das propostas para a Linha 18-Bronze ocorreu também dia 03.07.2014.
A Cowan foi criada na cidade mineira de Montes Claros, em 1958, e tem no currículo obras de infraestrutura em rodovias, saneamento, barragens, aeroportos e mobilidade. A construtora foi a responsável pela implantação do BRT MOVE - sistema de transporte que utiliza ônibus articulados em Belo Horizonte.
A obra do viaduto que desabou faz parte dos projetos de mobilidade para a Copa do Mundo. A empresa se pronunciou em nota: "A Cowan lamenta profundamente o ocorrido e não está medindo esforços para oferecer o apoio necessário às vítimas e aos familiares".
A obra integra um complexo que já havia apresentado problemas de infraestrutura. Em fevereiro, um outro viaduto da região - também feito pela Cowan - teve um deslocamento, o que obrigou a interdição de trecho da avenida Pedro I.
Prazos da Linha 18-Bronze
O consórcio "ABC Integrado" foi o único a se interessar pela licitação da linha 18 e é formado por quatro empresas: Encalso (que fez a duplicação da rodovia dos Tamoios e participa da transposição do rio São Francisco), Primav (empresa do grupo CR Almeida, que atuou no Rodoanel e na Jacu-Pêssego) e Benito Roggio (grupo argentino de infraestrutura), além da Cowan.
Após a entrega da proposta ocorrida na quinta-feira, o próximo passo para implantação da linha 18-Bronze será a análise de documentos apresentados pelo consórcio, o que deve ocorrer em, no máximo, uma semana.
Se todos os documentos estiverem sem restrições, o consórcio será declarado vencedor da licitação, passando a ser oficialmente o responsável pela construção e operação do monotrilho do ABC.
A Secretaria de Transportes Metropolitanos acredita que a assinatura do contrato entre o governo do Estado e o consórcio ocorra em até dois meses, devido a trâmites burocráticos na Junta Comercial.
O passo seguinte será dar um prazo de cerca de um mês para o consórcio contratar equipes e montar os canteiros.
"Pra começar realmente a obra, ir para campo montar a estrutura, deve levar de 90 a 120 dias", prevê o secretário de Transportes Metropolitanos, Jurandir Fernandes. As desapropriações não têm data para começar. A concessão vai durar 25 anos.
O secretário Jurandir Fernandes afirmou que esperava que mais empresas demonstrassem interesse em operar a linha 18. "Esperava mais empresas, mas senti um pouco de insegurança. Uma das coisas que assustou um pouco os investidores foi o congelamento das tarifas", afirma Fernandes. "O risco era não ter ninguém interessado".
A Linha 18-Bronze terá 14,9 km de extensão, vai passar por três cidades do ABC e terá 13 estações.
O empreendimento tem custo estimado de R$ 4,2 bilhões, sendo R$ 3,8 bilhões custeados 50% pelo governo do Estado e 50% pela iniciativa privada. Os outros R$ 406 milhões são referentes às desapropriações que serão executadas pelo Estado. Deste valor, R$ 400 milhões vêm do governo federal a fundo perdido, por meio do PAC 2.
Texto de Tiago Oliveira
Créditos da Imagem Reservados ao Autor
Responsible for the work of the flyover that collapsed in Belo Horizonte on 07/03/2014, Cowan construction integrates the consortium that submitted a proposal to build and operate a 18-Bronze Line, a monorail that will connect the capital to the ABC.
The viaduct fell struck a minibus, a car and two trucks on Avenue Pedro I, in the northern region of the state capital. At least two people died and 21 were injured.
The session receiving envelopes of tenders for Line 18-Bronze also occurred on 03/07/2014.
The Cowan was created in the mining city of Montes Claros, in 1958, and has in the curriculum infrastructure projects in roads, sanitation, dams, airports and mobility. The contractor was responsible for the implementation of BRT MOVE - transportation system that uses articulated buses in Belo Horizonte.
The work of the flyover that collapsed part of the mobility projects for the World Cup. The company commented in a statement: "The Cowan deeply regrets the incident and is sparing no efforts to offer the necessary support to victims and families."
The work is part of a complex that had presented problems of infrastructure. In February, another flyover of the region - also made by Cowan - had an offset, which forced the ban snippet Avenue Pedro I.
Deadlines Line 18-Bronze
The consortium "Integrated ABC" was the only one to be interested in bidding on line 18 and consists of four companies: Encalso (who did the duplication of the highway Tamoios and participates in the transposition of the São Francisco), Primav (now the CR group Almeida, who starred in the Beltway and Jacu-Peach) and Benito Roggio (Argentine infrastructure group), in addition to Cowan.
After delivery of the proposal took place on Thursday, the next step for deployment line 18-Bronze is the analysis of documents submitted by the consortium, which must occur in at most one week.
If all documents are unrestricted, the consortium will be declared the winner of the bidding, becoming officially responsible for the construction and operation of the monorail from ABC.
The Secretary of Metropolitan Transport believes that the signing of the contract between the state government and the consortium occurs within two months due to bureaucratic procedures at the Commercial Registry.
The next step will be to give a period of about a month to hire the consortium teams and assemble the beds.
"To actually get to work, go to field assemble structure, should take 90-120 days," predicts the Metropolitan Transport Secretary, Jurandir Fernandes. The expropriations have no start date. The grant will last 25 years.
The secretary Jurandir Fernandes said he hoped more companies showed interest in operating line 18. "Expected more companies, but felt a little insecure. One of the things that scared investors a bit was the freezing of tariffs," says Fernandes. "The risk was not having anyone interested."
The viaduct fell struck a minibus, a car and two trucks on Avenue Pedro I, in the northern region of the state capital. At least two people died and 21 were injured.
The session receiving envelopes of tenders for Line 18-Bronze also occurred on 03/07/2014.
The Cowan was created in the mining city of Montes Claros, in 1958, and has in the curriculum infrastructure projects in roads, sanitation, dams, airports and mobility. The contractor was responsible for the implementation of BRT MOVE - transportation system that uses articulated buses in Belo Horizonte.
The work of the flyover that collapsed part of the mobility projects for the World Cup. The company commented in a statement: "The Cowan deeply regrets the incident and is sparing no efforts to offer the necessary support to victims and families."
The work is part of a complex that had presented problems of infrastructure. In February, another flyover of the region - also made by Cowan - had an offset, which forced the ban snippet Avenue Pedro I.
Deadlines Line 18-Bronze
The consortium "Integrated ABC" was the only one to be interested in bidding on line 18 and consists of four companies: Encalso (who did the duplication of the highway Tamoios and participates in the transposition of the São Francisco), Primav (now the CR group Almeida, who starred in the Beltway and Jacu-Peach) and Benito Roggio (Argentine infrastructure group), in addition to Cowan.
After delivery of the proposal took place on Thursday, the next step for deployment line 18-Bronze is the analysis of documents submitted by the consortium, which must occur in at most one week.
If all documents are unrestricted, the consortium will be declared the winner of the bidding, becoming officially responsible for the construction and operation of the monorail from ABC.
The Secretary of Metropolitan Transport believes that the signing of the contract between the state government and the consortium occurs within two months due to bureaucratic procedures at the Commercial Registry.
The next step will be to give a period of about a month to hire the consortium teams and assemble the beds.
"To actually get to work, go to field assemble structure, should take 90-120 days," predicts the Metropolitan Transport Secretary, Jurandir Fernandes. The expropriations have no start date. The grant will last 25 years.
The secretary Jurandir Fernandes said he hoped more companies showed interest in operating line 18. "Expected more companies, but felt a little insecure. One of the things that scared investors a bit was the freezing of tariffs," says Fernandes. "The risk was not having anyone interested."
The Line 18-Bronze will have 14.9 kilometers long, will pass through three cities in the ABC and will have 13 stations.
The project has an estimated cost of R$ 4.2 Billion, R$ 3.8 Billion funded 50% by the state government and 50% by the private sector. The other R$ 406 Million relating to expropriations are to be implemented by the State. Of this amount,R$ 400 Million coming from the federal government in grants through the CAP 2.
Text Tiago Oliveira
Image Credits Reserved to Author
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