As 5 linhas metroviárias iniciaram normalmente a operação às 4h40 da
manhã de hoje. Durante uma assembleia no sindicato dos
metroviários com um clima tenso, os trabalhadores decidiram suspender a
paralisação, e retornar com a greve no dia 12.06.2014, data em que esta marcada a
abertura da copa do mundo.
Na assembleia foram apresentadas três propostas: a continuidade da paralisação, a suspensão até amanhã e o fim da greve.
Os sindicalistas sinalizarem que aceitariam o reajuste de 8,7%,
conforme foi definido no dissídio pela Justiça do Trabalho. No entanto,
os trabalhadores cobravam o cancelamento das demissões, possibilidade
até aceita pelo presidente do Metrô, Luiz Antonio Carvalho Pacheco, mas
depois descartada pelo governador Geraldo Alckmin, e seu secretário de
Transportes Metropolitanos, Jurandir Fernandes.
“É inadmissível a volta dos 42 demitidos. Não houve acordo e não
haverá readmissão em hipótese alguma”, disse Fernandes. Já o presidente
do sindicato da categoria, Altino Melo dos Prazeres, a intenção era
encerrar a greve muito antes. “Poderíamos chegar a um acordo hoje se as
demissões fossem negociadas”, disse.
Fonte da Notícia: Via Trólebus
The 5 subway lines operating normally started at 4:40 am today. During a meeting at the union of the subway with a tense atmosphere,
the workers decided to suspend the strike and return to the strike on
06.12.2014, on which date this marked the opening of the World Cup.
Continuity of stoppage, suspension until tomorrow and the end of the strike: the assembly three proposals were submitted.
The union leaders signaled they would accept the increase of 8.7%, as defined in the bargaining by labor courts. However, workers charged the cancellation of the layoffs, possibility to accept the chairman of the Metro, Luiz Antonio Carvalho Pacheco, but then dismissed by Governor Geraldo Alckmin, and his secretary of Metropolitan Transportation, Jurandir Fernandes.
"It is unacceptable to around 42 dismissed. There was no agreement and no readmission under any circumstances, "Fernandes said. The president of the labor union, Altino Melo dos Prazeres, the intention was to end the strike much earlier. "We could reach an agreement today that the layoffs were traded," he said.
Source of News: Via Trolleybus
Continuity of stoppage, suspension until tomorrow and the end of the strike: the assembly three proposals were submitted.
The union leaders signaled they would accept the increase of 8.7%, as defined in the bargaining by labor courts. However, workers charged the cancellation of the layoffs, possibility to accept the chairman of the Metro, Luiz Antonio Carvalho Pacheco, but then dismissed by Governor Geraldo Alckmin, and his secretary of Metropolitan Transportation, Jurandir Fernandes.
"It is unacceptable to around 42 dismissed. There was no agreement and no readmission under any circumstances, "Fernandes said. The president of the labor union, Altino Melo dos Prazeres, the intention was to end the strike much earlier. "We could reach an agreement today that the layoffs were traded," he said.
Source of News: Via Trolleybus
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