A manhã começou mal para Thiago (nome fictício).
Pouco depois do anúncio do governo estadual de que haveria demissões
caso a greve dos metroviários não cessasse, o jovem de 26 anos recebeu
uma ligação de seu pai.
telegrama do Metrô deu o anúncio de sua demissão. Embora já previsse
que o documento chegaria, hora ou outra, Thiago não conseguiu disfarçar o
estado desolado em que se encontrou com a notícia. Afinal, há seis anos
ele dá expediente no ambiente subterrâneo do Metrô, ofício que
considera parte de sua vida.
texto padronizado é sucinto: "Informamos o seu desligamento da
Companhia por justa causa a partir de 9/6/2014", seguido pela base legal
e orientações sobre o direito de contestar a demissão. Em seis linhas,
Thiago deixou de ser funcionário da empresa.
um abalo muito grande. Estou sendo demitido por lutar pelas condições
de trabalho para todo mundo", disse ao "Estado" por telefone. Thiago
acompanhou as declarações do governo durante toda a segunda-feira, pela
mídia, e imaginou que estaria entre os 60 anunciados, já que esteve em
todos os piquetes organizados até então, parte da estratégia dos
grevistas para aumentar a adesão à paralisação.
quer mudar as coisas, que estava indo nos piquetes, organizando greves,
melhorando as condições, é que acabou prejudicado", lamentou. "Eu me
senti um pouco perdido, sem chão". Thiago diz que não se vê mais fora da
empresa. "Depois de tanto tempo, sua vida já está moldada, sua
identidade é adaptada a ser trabalhador do metrô. Sua rotina. Faz parte
da sua vida", contou. É o segundo emprego do rapaz, que só trabalhou
anteriormente em uma loja de roupas, por menos de um ano.
operador de trens, como se identifica, não tem outra opção de emprego,
mas minimiza o problema ao esclarecer que não tem família para
sustentar. "Eu não sustento família, de todos os fatores, este não é o
atenuante. Mas mesmo assim você fica sem saber o que fazer", disse.
Thiago ainda aguarda reversão do quadro com o governo.
acredita que as demissões foram parte de uma estratégia para acabar com
a greve sem negociação. "Primeiro eles tinham ameaçado todos os
operadores de trem. Em seguida, mandaram 60 demissões e, pouco tempo
depois, informaram que todas as pessoas que não voltassem a trabalhar
correriam o risco de serem demitidas. Embora nós saibamos que o governo
não demitiria todo mundo próximo da Copa, ficamos com medo", relatou.
à população. "O Metrô quer passar a imagem de uma greve fraca, que não
tem adesão. Mas quem está na cidade sabe o caos no trânsito. Há uma
quantidade ínfima de usuários nas estações", disse. Segundo Thiago, os
supervisores que passaram a operar os trens não receberam treinamento
adequado e a população ficou em risco. O operador afirmou que, em duas
ocasiões, supervisores abriram as portas enquanto o trem estava em
movimento. "Qualquer trinca no trilho pode resultar em um problema muito
grave e não há gente habilitada para operar o sistema. Eu fico
revoltado que o Metrô tente jogar a população contra a gente falando
besteira", contou.
principal estratégia dos grevistas ao formarem piquetes, segundo
Thiago, era a de convencer os supervisores. Segundo o operador, estes
funcionários estão mais facilmente sujeitos às demissões, por isso
temiam aderir à greve e mantiveram o trabalho. "Eles recebem um
treinamento muito básico, mas todos se sentem inseguros para operar
trem. Isso exige um tempo grande, são vários problemas. O dia a dia do
operador não é simples, tem muito macete", explicou. Ele ainda relatou
que muitos acabaram se convencendo, mas as ameaças eram muito
Segundo o operador, a Polícia Militar agiu com violência. "É sempre do
mesmo jeito. Eles chegam em poucos, avaliam que não podem fazer muita
coisa. Ficam só conversando. Até que vem ordem de cima, chamam a Tropa
de Choque para entrar na estação e tirar a gente. Vieram por todos os
cantos atacando bombas e chegaram na porrada", contou. "Não há muito
diálogo", disse.
nota , o Metrô afirmou que a greve dos metroviários "foi julgada
abusiva por unanimidade na Justiça do Trabalho após amplo processo de
negociação". Já a Secretaria de Segurança Pública respondeu, por sua
assessoria, que "são inverídicas as acusações" de Thiago, que "se
esconde no anonimato com o objetivo de denegrir a imagem da Polícia
Militar". Segundo a corporação, "a força foi usada somente após terem
falhado as tentativas de diálogo com os grevistas".
Fonte da Notícia: Estadão
The morning started badly for Thiago (fictitious name). Shortly after the announcement of the state government that there
would be layoffs if the strike by subway workers not cease, the 26 year
old received a call from his father.
The Telegram Subway gave notice of his resignation. Although already foresaw that the document would come, sooner or later, Thiago could not disguise the desolate state in which he met the news. After all, six years ago he gives expedient in the subterranean environment of Metro, which considers craft part of your life.
The boilerplate text is succinct: "We inform the discharge from the Company for cause from 09.06.2014", followed by legal basis and guidelines on the right to contest the dismissal. In six lines, Thiago ceased to be an employee of the company.
"It is a very great shock.'m Being fired for fighting for the working conditions for everyone," said the "Status" by phone. Thiago followed the government's statements throughout Monday, the media, and thought it would be among the 60 announced since been organized in all paddocks until then part of the strategy of the strikers to increase adherence to a standstill.
"Who wants to change things, I was going to paddocks, organizing strikes, improving conditions, it is ultimately lost," he lamented. "I felt a little lost without ground." Thiago says no longer see outside the company. "After so long, your life is already framed, your identity is adapted to the subway worker. Their routine.'s Part of your life," he said. It is the second job of the guy who just previously worked in a clothing store for less than a year.
The operator of trains, as identified, has no choice of employment, but it minimizes the problem by making clear that no family to support. "I do not support the family, of all the factors, this is not mitigating. But you still does not know what to do," he said. Thiago still awaiting reversal of the situation with the government.
He believes that the layoffs were part of a strategy to end the strike without negotiation. "First they had threatened all train operators. Then sent 60 layoffs and, shortly after, reported that all the people who do not return to work would risk being sacked. Though we know the government does not resign everyone next Cup, we were afraid, "he reported.
Insecurity for the population. "The Metro wants to give the impression of a weak strike, which has no membership. But who is in town knows the traffic chaos. Ago a tiny amount of users at stations," he said. According to Thiago, supervisors who were operating the trains did not receive proper training and the population was at risk. The operator said that on two occasions, supervisors opened the doors while the train was in motion. "Any crack on the rail can result in a very serious problem and there enabled us to operate the system. Disgusted that I'll try to play the Metro population against us talking nonsense," he said.
The main strategy of the form strikers picketing, according to James, was to convince the supervisors. According to the operator, these employees are more easily subject to layoffs, so feared join the strike and kept the job. "They get a very basic training, but everyone feels unsafe to operate the train. This requires a great time, there are several problems. Everyday life of the operator is not simple, is very trick," he explained. He further reported that many ended up convincing, but the threats were very "forceful".
The Telegram Subway gave notice of his resignation. Although already foresaw that the document would come, sooner or later, Thiago could not disguise the desolate state in which he met the news. After all, six years ago he gives expedient in the subterranean environment of Metro, which considers craft part of your life.
The boilerplate text is succinct: "We inform the discharge from the Company for cause from 09.06.2014", followed by legal basis and guidelines on the right to contest the dismissal. In six lines, Thiago ceased to be an employee of the company.
"It is a very great shock.'m Being fired for fighting for the working conditions for everyone," said the "Status" by phone. Thiago followed the government's statements throughout Monday, the media, and thought it would be among the 60 announced since been organized in all paddocks until then part of the strategy of the strikers to increase adherence to a standstill.
"Who wants to change things, I was going to paddocks, organizing strikes, improving conditions, it is ultimately lost," he lamented. "I felt a little lost without ground." Thiago says no longer see outside the company. "After so long, your life is already framed, your identity is adapted to the subway worker. Their routine.'s Part of your life," he said. It is the second job of the guy who just previously worked in a clothing store for less than a year.
The operator of trains, as identified, has no choice of employment, but it minimizes the problem by making clear that no family to support. "I do not support the family, of all the factors, this is not mitigating. But you still does not know what to do," he said. Thiago still awaiting reversal of the situation with the government.
He believes that the layoffs were part of a strategy to end the strike without negotiation. "First they had threatened all train operators. Then sent 60 layoffs and, shortly after, reported that all the people who do not return to work would risk being sacked. Though we know the government does not resign everyone next Cup, we were afraid, "he reported.
Insecurity for the population. "The Metro wants to give the impression of a weak strike, which has no membership. But who is in town knows the traffic chaos. Ago a tiny amount of users at stations," he said. According to Thiago, supervisors who were operating the trains did not receive proper training and the population was at risk. The operator said that on two occasions, supervisors opened the doors while the train was in motion. "Any crack on the rail can result in a very serious problem and there enabled us to operate the system. Disgusted that I'll try to play the Metro population against us talking nonsense," he said.
The main strategy of the form strikers picketing, according to James, was to convince the supervisors. According to the operator, these employees are more easily subject to layoffs, so feared join the strike and kept the job. "They get a very basic training, but everyone feels unsafe to operate the train. This requires a great time, there are several problems. Everyday life of the operator is not simple, is very trick," he explained. He further reported that many ended up convincing, but the threats were very "forceful".
According to the operator, the Military Police acted violently. "It's
always the same. They arrive in a few, evaluate who can not do much.
They are just talking. Till next order above, call the Shock troops to
enter the station and get us. Came everywhere attacking bombs and arrived in a fight, "he said. "There's not much dialogue," he said.
In a statement, Metro said the strike by subway workers "was deemed abusive unanimously in labor courts after a long process of negotiation." Already the Department of Public Safety responded, for your advice, that "the allegations are untrue" Thiago, who "hides in anonymity in order to denigrate the image of the military police." According to the corporation, "the force was used only after failed attempts at dialogue with the strikers."
Source of News: Estadão
In a statement, Metro said the strike by subway workers "was deemed abusive unanimously in labor courts after a long process of negotiation." Already the Department of Public Safety responded, for your advice, that "the allegations are untrue" Thiago, who "hides in anonymity in order to denigrate the image of the military police." According to the corporation, "the force was used only after failed attempts at dialogue with the strikers."
Source of News: Estadão
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