O conselheiro Roque Citadini, do TCE, rejeitou nesta ontem,
pedido da Procuradoria de Contas de paralisação da concorrência
internacional da Linha 18-Bronze do Metrô de São Paulo para
implantação do Monotrilho, empreendimento orçado em R$ 11,7 bilhões.
Citadini, relator do caso no âmbito do TCE, determinou arquivamento
da representação do Ministério Público de Contas e abriu caminho para a
Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos prosseguir com o procedimento
de licitação – o recebimento das propostas está agendado para esta
quinta-feira, 3, às 14 horas, em sessão pública.
Ao pedir a paralisação do certame, o procurador de Contas José Mendes
Neto sustentou em sessão do Pleno do TCE, nesta quarta feira, 2, que “quando se avizinha uma licitação as ratazanas já dividiram o queijo”.
Mendes Neto alertou para o risco da ação do cartel que teria
predominado no setor metroferroviário de São Paulo entre 1998 e 2008.
Para ele, “há fortes evidências de que o governo vai acabar contratando
empresas que já são investigadas por cartel”.
Citadini, no entanto, argumenta em despacho que não encontrou motivos
para barrar a super licitação do monotrilho. “Diante do exíguo prazo
para uma análise final mais detalhada da matéria, não encontro, nessa
oportunidade, nenhum aspecto apresentado pelo representante capaz de convencer-me da existência de clara afronta à
legislação ou flagrante ilegalidade que comprometa sumariamente o
Mas o relator destacou. “Fatos novos que vierem a surgir e forem
comprovados, desde que estejam no âmbito de atuação constitucional deste
Tribunal poderão vir a ser apreciados, inclusive após a abertura do
Fonte da Notícia: O Estado de São Paulo
The counselor Roque Citadini TEC rejected this yesterday, asked the Attorney for downtime Accounts of the international competition of 18-Line Brass São Paulo Metro to implement the Monorail, project budgeted at R$ 11.7 Billion.
Citadini, rapporteur of the case under the TEC determined archiving representation of the prosecution of Auditors and paved the way for the Secretary of Metropolitan Transport proceed with the bidding procedure - the receipt of proposals is scheduled for this Thursday, 3 to 14 hours in public session.
When ordering the stoppage of the event, the prosecutor José Mendes Neto Accounts held in the Plenary Session of the ECA, this Wednesday, 2 that "when approaching a bid voles have shared the cheese." Mendes Neto warned of the risk of cartel action that would have prevailed in metroferroviário sector of São Paulo between 1998 and 2008. According to him, "there is strong evidence that the government will end up hiring companies that are already investigated by the cartel."
Citadini, however, argues that in order found no grounds to stop the super tender monorail. "Given the extremely short time for a final detailed analysis of the matter, I find, on this occasion, no aspect presented by the representative able to convince me of the existence of clear affront to the law or flagrant illegality summarily compromise the fair."
But the rapporteur said. "New facts that may arise and are certified, provided they are within the constitutional role of this Court are likely to be appreciated, even after the opening of the exhibition."
Source of News: O Estado de São Paulo
Citadini, rapporteur of the case under the TEC determined archiving representation of the prosecution of Auditors and paved the way for the Secretary of Metropolitan Transport proceed with the bidding procedure - the receipt of proposals is scheduled for this Thursday, 3 to 14 hours in public session.
When ordering the stoppage of the event, the prosecutor José Mendes Neto Accounts held in the Plenary Session of the ECA, this Wednesday, 2 that "when approaching a bid voles have shared the cheese." Mendes Neto warned of the risk of cartel action that would have prevailed in metroferroviário sector of São Paulo between 1998 and 2008. According to him, "there is strong evidence that the government will end up hiring companies that are already investigated by the cartel."
Citadini, however, argues that in order found no grounds to stop the super tender monorail. "Given the extremely short time for a final detailed analysis of the matter, I find, on this occasion, no aspect presented by the representative able to convince me of the existence of clear affront to the law or flagrant illegality summarily compromise the fair."
But the rapporteur said. "New facts that may arise and are certified, provided they are within the constitutional role of this Court are likely to be appreciated, even after the opening of the exhibition."
Source of News: O Estado de São Paulo
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