O Metrô foi condenado pela 5ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça a
indenizar por danos morais um passageiro agredido em uma estação. Ele
deverá receber R$ 41.500,00
o processo, após discutir com três agentes de segurança sobre um
bilhete de acesso ao Metrô, o passageiro alegou que foi agredido
fisicamente por eles, recebendo golpes nos braços, costas, abdome e
rosto. Os golpes teriam causado a perda permanente da vista direita,
entre outras lesões.
o relator James Alberto Siano, a conduta dos funcionários da empresa é
injustificável. Se é fato que o autor utilizara-se de bilhete inadequado
para atravessar a catraca de acesso ao Metrô, haveria outras formas de
abordá-lo e fazer com que ele pagasse pela sua passagem, considerou.
Fonte da Notícia: Portal Terra
The subway was sentenced by 5th Business Law Chamber of the Court to compensate for moral damages assaulted a passenger in a season. He should receive R$ 41,500.00
According to the lawsuit, after discussing with three security agents on a ticket for access to Metro, the passenger claimed that it was physically assaulted by them, getting hit in the arms, back, abdomen and face. The blows would have caused permanent loss of right eye, among other injuries.
The rapporteur James Albert Siano, the conduct of the company's employees is unjustifiable. If it is a fact that the author had used is inappropriate ticket to cross the turnstile access to Metro, there would be other ways to approach it and make him pay for his passage, he said.
Source of News: Portal Terra
According to the lawsuit, after discussing with three security agents on a ticket for access to Metro, the passenger claimed that it was physically assaulted by them, getting hit in the arms, back, abdomen and face. The blows would have caused permanent loss of right eye, among other injuries.
The rapporteur James Albert Siano, the conduct of the company's employees is unjustifiable. If it is a fact that the author had used is inappropriate ticket to cross the turnstile access to Metro, there would be other ways to approach it and make him pay for his passage, he said.
Source of News: Portal Terra
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