Boa Noite Leitores!
Queremos lhes informar que a partir de hoje 30.06.2014 os atuais blogs Jornal da CPTM e Jornal do Metrô estarão com seus títulos alterados com o propósito de ficar mais informal e mais próximo de você leitor
Confira abaixo os novos títulos e links para acessar um de nossos blogs
Meu Transporte News- CPTM:
Meu Transporte News- Metrô:
Espero que tenham gostado de mais esse novidade que preparamos para você que nos acompanha e nos lê diariamente
Good Evening Readers!
We wish to inform you that from today 30/06/2014 current blogs CPTM Journal and Journal of the Metro will be with their titles changed in order to become more informal and closer to you reader
Check out the new titles and links below to access one of our blogs
My Transportation News-CPTM:
My News Transportation-Subway:
I hope you have enjoyed this more novelty we prepared for you to join us and read us daily
We wish to inform you that from today 30/06/2014 current blogs CPTM Journal and Journal of the Metro will be with their titles changed in order to become more informal and closer to you reader
Check out the new titles and links below to access one of our blogs
My Transportation News-CPTM:
My News Transportation-Subway:
I hope you have enjoyed this more novelty we prepared for you to join us and read us daily
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