Uma estudante de 24 anos diz ter sido agredida por
um segurança do Metrô de São Paulo na manhã de 24.06.2014.
Um vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais mostra a garota no chão, com o
rosto ensanguentado, e um segurança sendo afastado do local aos gritos
de "desgraçado."
O caso, que foi
registrado pela Polícia Civil, ocorreu na Estação Butantã, da Linha 4-Amarela. O ramal é administrado por uma empresa privada, a ViaQuatro.
estudante relatou à polícia que havia colocado crédito em seu Bilhete
Único em uma máquina de autoatendimento da estação. No entanto, quando
tentou passar pela catraca, a máquina informou que não havia créditos no
passageira argumentou com um segurança da estação, dizendo que havia
algum erro. Segundo o relato, o vigilante pediu para ela procurar o SAC.
estudante, então, passou pela catraca sem pagar a tarifa. Na versão
dela, a estudante foi perseguida e agredida no rosto por um segurança.
vídeo divulgado no Facebook, a mulher aparece no chão, com o rosto
ensanguentado. Ela foi socorrida por passageiros e seguranças da própria
estação. Ainda segundo a versão da jovem, ela foi levada a um hospital e
em seguida liberada.
reportagem entrou em contato com a irmã da estudante. Ela confirmou a
agressão, mas não quis dar entrevistas. O nome da estudante foi
preservado a pedido da família.
imagens do vídeo foram gravadas pela assistente de vendas Mayara Lúcia,
22. "Vi o segurança batendo nela. Ele estava muito exaltado e teve que
ser retirado pelos colegas."
polícia seguranças afirmaram que tentaram deter a jovem após ela passar
pela catraca sem pagar. Eles disseram que a estudante tentou
agredi-los. O relato não diz, no entanto, se eles ficaram feridos.
caso foi registrado em uma delegacia do Butantã. Em nota, a ViaQuatro,
empresa que administra a linha, informa está apurando o episódio.
fique comprovado que houve excesso na conduta de funcionários da
estação, a concessionária agirá com rigor, uma vez que condena qualquer
tipo de comportamento inadequado no atendimento aos seus clientes", diz a
Polícia Militar relatou no boletim de ocorrência que com a garota foi
encontrada uma porção de maconha. A quantidade não foi divulgada.
pessoa indicada pela família da garota para falar com a imprensa alega
que, mesmo que a droga tenha sido encontrada com a garota, a agressão
sofrida não seria justificada.
Fonte da Notícia: Folha de São Paulo
A 24 year old student says she was assaulted by a security São Paulo Metro on the morning of 6/24/2014. A video posted on social networks shows the girl on the floor with a bloody face, and a security guard being removed from the site shouting "bastard."
The case, which was registered by the Civil Police, occurred on Butanta Station, Line 4-Yellow. The station is run by a private company, ViaQuatro.
The student told police he had put credit on your Single Ticket machine in a self-service station. However, when he tried to pass through the turnstile, the machine reported that there was no credits on the ticket.
The passenger argued with a security station, saying that there was some mistake. According to the report, the guard asked her to seek the SAC.
The student then went through the turnstile without paying the fare. In her version, the student was harassed and assaulted by a security guard in the face.
In the video posted on Facebook, a woman appears on the floor with a bloody face. She was bailed out by passengers and security guards the station itself. Also according to the version of the young, she was taken to a hospital and then released.
The report came in contact with the sister of the student. She confirmed the attack, but declined to give interviews. The name of the student has been preserved at the request of the family.
The video images were recorded by the sales assistant Mayara Lucia, 22. "Saw the security beating her. He was very exalted and had to be removed by colleagues."
For security police said they tried to stop the girl after she passed through the turnstile without paying. They said the student tried to attack them. The report does not say, however, if they were injured.
The case was registered at a police station of Butantan. In a statement, ViaQuatro, the company that manages the line, informs is investigating the episode.
"Should it be proven that there was excess in the conduct of employees of the station, the licensee shall act with care, since it condemns any kind of inappropriate behavior in service to their customers," the statement said.
The Military Police reported the arrest report that the girl with a lot of marijuana was found. The amount was not disclosed.
A person named by the girl's family to speak to the media claims that, even though the drug has been found with the girl, the aggression would not be justified.
Source of News: Folha de São Paulo
The case, which was registered by the Civil Police, occurred on Butanta Station, Line 4-Yellow. The station is run by a private company, ViaQuatro.
The student told police he had put credit on your Single Ticket machine in a self-service station. However, when he tried to pass through the turnstile, the machine reported that there was no credits on the ticket.
The passenger argued with a security station, saying that there was some mistake. According to the report, the guard asked her to seek the SAC.
The student then went through the turnstile without paying the fare. In her version, the student was harassed and assaulted by a security guard in the face.
In the video posted on Facebook, a woman appears on the floor with a bloody face. She was bailed out by passengers and security guards the station itself. Also according to the version of the young, she was taken to a hospital and then released.
The report came in contact with the sister of the student. She confirmed the attack, but declined to give interviews. The name of the student has been preserved at the request of the family.
The video images were recorded by the sales assistant Mayara Lucia, 22. "Saw the security beating her. He was very exalted and had to be removed by colleagues."
For security police said they tried to stop the girl after she passed through the turnstile without paying. They said the student tried to attack them. The report does not say, however, if they were injured.
The case was registered at a police station of Butantan. In a statement, ViaQuatro, the company that manages the line, informs is investigating the episode.
"Should it be proven that there was excess in the conduct of employees of the station, the licensee shall act with care, since it condemns any kind of inappropriate behavior in service to their customers," the statement said.
The Military Police reported the arrest report that the girl with a lot of marijuana was found. The amount was not disclosed.
A person named by the girl's family to speak to the media claims that, even though the drug has been found with the girl, the aggression would not be justified.
Source of News: Folha de São Paulo
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