O Governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin,
afirmou na manhã hoje que o Metrô vai funcionar dia 12.06.2014, dia do jogo de abertura da Copa do Mundo no Brasil,
na Arena Corinthians. Segundo Alckmin, uma nova manifestação seria
"oportunismo" dos metroviários.
teremos tanto o Metrô quanto a CPTM. É difícil você ter no mundo um
estádio que tenha na porta uma linha do Metrô, que é a Linha 3-Vermelha,
e uma Linha de trem, que é a Linha 11-Coral da CPTM. E entregamos todas
as obras antes da abertura", disse o governador, ao ser questionado se
haveria um plano B caso ocorra uma nova paralisação.
O estádio do Corinthians fica ao lado das estações Arthur Alvim e Corinthians-Itaquera do Metrô e da CPTM.
acordo com o governador, não existe mais nenhuma discussão com a
categoria dos metroviários, já que o dissídio dos profissionais foi
definido em decisão judicial. "Eu espero que não pare [o Metrô]. Não tem
nenhum sentido. Seria um enorme de um oportunismo fazer greve
exatamente no dia da abertura da Copa. Aliás, temos duas decisões
judiciais falando da abusividade da greve. Já teve o dissídio e o índice
já está definido, muito superior à inflação, com ganhos reais", afirmou
cinco dias de sufoco com a paralisação da greve dos metroviários de São
Paulo, o paulistano voltou a respirar aliviado na manhã desta terça,
após a suspensão da greve. As 65 estações das cinco linhas da capital
funcionavam normalmente. O governo do estado demitiu 42 funcionários por
justa causa. O sindicato da categoria quer a readmissão dos
profissionais e ameaça parar novamente nesta quinta, data da abertura da
Copa do Mundo.
estudante de odontologia Vanessa, que faltava nas aulas da faculdade
desde dia 05.06.2014 dia do início da greve, conta que perdeu duas
provas por não ter como se locomover até a Praça da Árvore, na Zona Sul.
Na manhã de segunda, ela conseguia tomar seu café tranquilamente na
porta da Estação Tucuruvi, da Linha 1-Azul, na Zona Norte. "São Paulo é
uma cidade muito grande, então depende do Metrô. Sem Metrô, os ônibus
ficam lotados e a cidade, com muito trânsito." Filha de metroviário, ela
também foi prejudicada com a paralisação e disse que o funcionamento
desse meio de transporte é fundamental.
de Francisco Morato, na Grande São Paulo, o segurança Janiel Peixoto,
de 23 anos, sai de casa todos os dias às 4h e leva cerca de 2h30 no
trajeto para ir até o serviço, no Bosque Maia, bairro de Guarulhos, na
Região Metropolitana. "Eu vinha até a estação da Luz, mas não conseguia
prosseguir. Gastei dinheiro e paciência. [Para] Acordar cedo e depois
voltar para casa, preferia ter ido trabalhar. É um alívio ter como
chegar aos serviço", afirmou o usuário do Metrô.
do discurso do Sindicato dos Metroviários, que disse ter o apoio da
população no movimento por reajuste salarial, os passageiros não
demonstraram tanta compreensão com a greve.
deficiente físico Rubens Ferreira, de 53 anos, levou mais que o dobro
do tempo para fazer o mesmo trajeto do Jabaquara até Santana, o que
costuma ser feito em 45 minutos nos dias de greve. Ele só conseguiu ir
trabalhar, pois pegava o ônibus no ponto final e conseguia sentar. "Eu
não posso ficar muito sentado, que é ruim", revelou o usuário, que
considera a greve injusta. "Eles não ganham mal, isso só prejudica a
Fonte da Notícia: G1
Governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin said in the morning today that
the Metro will work day 06/12/2014, day of the opening match of the
World Cup in Brazil, Corinthians Arena. According Alckmin, a new demonstration would be "opportunism" of the subway.
"We will have both the Metro as CPTM.'s Hard for you to have a stadium in the world that has a line at the door of the Metro, which is 3-Red Line, and a Line train, which is the 11-Line Coral CPTM . deliver And all the works before the opening, "said the governor, when asked if there was a plan B if a new stoppage occurs.
The Corinthians stadium is next to Arthur Alvim and Corinthians-Itaquera Subway and CPTM stations to.
According to the governor, there is no further discussion with the category of the subway, as the professional bargaining agreement was set in judicial proceedings. "I hope you do not stop [Metro]. Has no sense. Would be a huge opportunism to strike exactly on the opening day of the tournament. Incidentally, we have two judgments of unconscionability talking strike.'ve Had the bargaining and the index is already defined, much higher than inflation, with real gains, "said Alckmin.
After five days of hard time with the shutdown of subway workers' strike of São Paulo, São Paulo started breathing again relieved on Tuesday morning, after the suspension of the strike. The 65 stations of the five lines of capital functioned normally. The state government dismissed 42 employees for cause. The labor union wants the readmission of professionals and threatens to stop again on Thursday, the opening day of the World Cup.
The dental student Vanessa missing in college classes since day 06/05/2014 day of the strike, which has lost two races for not getting around to Praça da tree, in the South Zone On Monday morning, she could take their coffee quietly on the door Tucuruvi Station, Line 1-Blue in the Northern Zone. "Sao Paulo is a huge city, so depends on the Metro. Excluding subway and the buses are crowded city with a lot of traffic." Daughter of the subway, she was also hampered by the strike and said that the operation of the means of transport is essential.
Resident of Francisco Morato, in Greater São Paulo, the security Janiel Peixoto, 23, leaves home every day at 4pm and takes about 2h30 on the path to go to the service in Bosque Maia, Guarulhos neighborhood, in the Region Metropolitan. "I came into the season of Light, but could not proceed. Spent money and patience. [To] Wake up early and then come home, would rather have gone to work.'s A relief to be getting service," said Metro user .
Unlike the speech of the Union of Subway, which is said to have the support of the people in the movement for wage hike, passengers did not show much understanding with the strike.
The handicapped Rubens Ferreira, 53, took more than twice as long to do the same path Jabalpur to Santana, which is usually done in 45 minutes on days of strike. He only managed to go to work because he took the bus at the end point and could sit. "I can not get much sitting is bad," said the user, who considers unfair strike. "They do not make evil, it only harms the people."
Source of News: G1
"We will have both the Metro as CPTM.'s Hard for you to have a stadium in the world that has a line at the door of the Metro, which is 3-Red Line, and a Line train, which is the 11-Line Coral CPTM . deliver And all the works before the opening, "said the governor, when asked if there was a plan B if a new stoppage occurs.
The Corinthians stadium is next to Arthur Alvim and Corinthians-Itaquera Subway and CPTM stations to.
According to the governor, there is no further discussion with the category of the subway, as the professional bargaining agreement was set in judicial proceedings. "I hope you do not stop [Metro]. Has no sense. Would be a huge opportunism to strike exactly on the opening day of the tournament. Incidentally, we have two judgments of unconscionability talking strike.'ve Had the bargaining and the index is already defined, much higher than inflation, with real gains, "said Alckmin.
After five days of hard time with the shutdown of subway workers' strike of São Paulo, São Paulo started breathing again relieved on Tuesday morning, after the suspension of the strike. The 65 stations of the five lines of capital functioned normally. The state government dismissed 42 employees for cause. The labor union wants the readmission of professionals and threatens to stop again on Thursday, the opening day of the World Cup.
The dental student Vanessa missing in college classes since day 06/05/2014 day of the strike, which has lost two races for not getting around to Praça da tree, in the South Zone On Monday morning, she could take their coffee quietly on the door Tucuruvi Station, Line 1-Blue in the Northern Zone. "Sao Paulo is a huge city, so depends on the Metro. Excluding subway and the buses are crowded city with a lot of traffic." Daughter of the subway, she was also hampered by the strike and said that the operation of the means of transport is essential.
Resident of Francisco Morato, in Greater São Paulo, the security Janiel Peixoto, 23, leaves home every day at 4pm and takes about 2h30 on the path to go to the service in Bosque Maia, Guarulhos neighborhood, in the Region Metropolitan. "I came into the season of Light, but could not proceed. Spent money and patience. [To] Wake up early and then come home, would rather have gone to work.'s A relief to be getting service," said Metro user .
Unlike the speech of the Union of Subway, which is said to have the support of the people in the movement for wage hike, passengers did not show much understanding with the strike.
The handicapped Rubens Ferreira, 53, took more than twice as long to do the same path Jabalpur to Santana, which is usually done in 45 minutes on days of strike. He only managed to go to work because he took the bus at the end point and could sit. "I can not get much sitting is bad," said the user, who considers unfair strike. "They do not make evil, it only harms the people."
Source of News: G1
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