Trem do Monotrilho em Testes na Vila Prudente
Monorail train in Tests in Vila Prudente
O Metrô e o governo do Estado de São Paulo estão espalhando cartazes
publicitários pelos relógios de rua da capital paulista para anunciar
que o primeiro monotrilho da cidade, na Linha 15-Prata, "está chegando".
Isso, apesar de a empresa, que é controlada pelo Estado, não ter sequer a
data confirmada para a abertura do trecho inicial da Linha 15-Prata, na Vila
A entrega desse ramal foi adiada diversas vezes pela Secretaria Estadual dos Transportes Metropolitanos ao longo do primeiro semestre de 2014. A última previsão, anunciada na semana passada pelo administrador da pasta, Jurandir Fernandes, é que a entrega ocorra no início de julho, perto da data limite para que o Governador Geraldo Alckmin possa participar de inaugurações de obras públicas. Depois disso, ele fica impedido pela lei eleitoral, pois será candidato à reeleição, a tomar parte desse tipo de cerimônia.
Dia 27.06.2014, a reportagem encontrou seis relógios de rua com a propaganda, em vias das zona oeste e norte. O material traz uma foto do trem com a inscrição "O monotrilho está chegando". A publicidade tem os logotipos do Metrô e do governo do Estado.
Em dezembro do ano passado, a gestão Alckmin havia prometido o trecho inicial do monotrilho funcionando em Março de 2014, o que não se concretizou. Ao longo do tempo, o secretário Jurandir Fernandes alegou diferentes motivos para os sucessivos atrasos.
Primeiramente, afirmou que a empresa canadense Bombardier, responsável por fabricar os trens que circularão na linha, demorava para fazer os testes. Na semana passada, no entanto, ele disse que operários grevistas da obra impediram técnicos da multinacional de realizar os testes nos veículos.
A assessoria de imprensa do Metrô foi procurada e respondeu por telefone apenas que a obra deve ficar para Julho de 2014, sem informar o dia exato. Nos últimos dias, vários testes com os trens do monotrilho têm sido feitos na Linha 15-Prata, alguns com sacos de areia, para deixá-los mais pesado, simulando a lotação por passageiros.
Em obras desde 2010, o primeiro trecho do monotrilho já foi prometido para 2012 e, depois, 2013. Esse ramal terá 2,9 km de extensão e apenas duas estações: Vila Prudente, com conexão com a Linha 2-Verde do Metrô, e Oratório, num trecho elevado sobre a avenida Professor Luís Ignácio de Anhaia Mello.
A obra prevê mais 16 estações até a região de Cidade Tiradentes. Quando a linha estiver completa, com 26,6 km de extensão, terá custado R$ 6,4 bilhões aos cofres públicos. A previsão é que o trecho final da obra esteja pronto em 2016.
Fonte da Notícia: Portal R7
Imagem de Ale Vianna
The Metro and the state government of São Paulo are spreading by advertising watches street in the capital city posters to announce that the first monorail in the city, the Line 15-Silver, "is coming." Therefore, although the company, which is controlled by the State, not even have the confirmed date for the opening of the first stretch of the 15-Silver Line in Vila Prudente.
The delivery of this extension has been postponed several times by the State Department of Metropolitan Transport throughout the first half of 2014.'s Latest forecast, announced last week by the administrator folder, Jurandir Fernandes, is that delivery takes place in early July, near the deadline for the Governor Alckmin can attend inaugurations of public works. After that, he is prevented by the electoral law, it will be a candidate for reelection, to take part of this type of ceremony.
Day 06/27/2014, the report found six watches street with propaganda in the west and avenues north. The material provides a picture of the train with the inscription "The monorail is coming." Advertising has the logos of the Metro and the state government.
In December last year, the management Alckmin had promised the opening words of the monorail running in March 2014, which did not materialize. Over time, the secretary Jurandir Fernandes claimed different reasons for the repeated delays.
First, said the Canadian company Bombardier, responsible for manufacturing the trains that circulate on the line, it took to do the tests. Last week, however, he said striking workers prevented the work of multinational technicians to perform tests on vehicles.
A spokesperson for the Metro was contacted by phone and answered only that the work should be for July 2014, without informing the exact day. In recent days, several tests with monorail trains have been made in Line 15-Silver, some with sandbags to make them heavier, simulating the capacity per passenger.
In the works since 2010, the first stretch of the monorail has been promised for 2012 and then 2013 This extension will have 2.9 km long and only two seasons:. Vila Prudente, in connection with the Line 2-Green of the Metro, and Oratório, a high on the avenue professor Luis Ignacio de Mello Anhaia stretch.
The book provides 16 more stations to the region of Cidade Tiradentes. When the line is complete, 26.6 km long, will cost £ 6.4 billion to the state coffers. It is expected that the final section of the work is ready in 2016.
Source of News: Portal R7
Picture Ale Vianna
The delivery of this extension has been postponed several times by the State Department of Metropolitan Transport throughout the first half of 2014.'s Latest forecast, announced last week by the administrator folder, Jurandir Fernandes, is that delivery takes place in early July, near the deadline for the Governor Alckmin can attend inaugurations of public works. After that, he is prevented by the electoral law, it will be a candidate for reelection, to take part of this type of ceremony.
Day 06/27/2014, the report found six watches street with propaganda in the west and avenues north. The material provides a picture of the train with the inscription "The monorail is coming." Advertising has the logos of the Metro and the state government.
In December last year, the management Alckmin had promised the opening words of the monorail running in March 2014, which did not materialize. Over time, the secretary Jurandir Fernandes claimed different reasons for the repeated delays.
First, said the Canadian company Bombardier, responsible for manufacturing the trains that circulate on the line, it took to do the tests. Last week, however, he said striking workers prevented the work of multinational technicians to perform tests on vehicles.
A spokesperson for the Metro was contacted by phone and answered only that the work should be for July 2014, without informing the exact day. In recent days, several tests with monorail trains have been made in Line 15-Silver, some with sandbags to make them heavier, simulating the capacity per passenger.
In the works since 2010, the first stretch of the monorail has been promised for 2012 and then 2013 This extension will have 2.9 km long and only two seasons:. Vila Prudente, in connection with the Line 2-Green of the Metro, and Oratório, a high on the avenue professor Luis Ignacio de Mello Anhaia stretch.
The book provides 16 more stations to the region of Cidade Tiradentes. When the line is complete, 26.6 km long, will cost £ 6.4 billion to the state coffers. It is expected that the final section of the work is ready in 2016.
Source of News: Portal R7
Picture Ale Vianna
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